For nearly 20 years ACTA has developed, registered and manufactured a range of world class products. ACTA researches and manufactures products used to control vertebrate pest animals to help protect farmer livelihoods and the environment from pest animal damage.
“We pioneer ways to redress the environmental and agricultural imbalances created by invasive pests”

ACTA services all of Australia but is expanding to New Zealand, the U.S, Pacific Islands and other export markets. The expansion is managed by a qualified sales and marketing team. We service all government departments, local and regional councils and individual landholders via Landcare groups, and independent rural merchant chains.
ACTA’s technical team offer training and product stewardship.
ACTA is committed to providing Australian landholders and agencies the tools and best practice methods to deal with pest animals and we remain at the forefront of technological innovation.
ACTA’s growing product portfolio and technology are integral to meeting and adapting to the challenges of vertebrate pest animal management in Australia.
Core Values

We promote intellectual honesty
We transform ethical science into practical reality
We contribute to a healthy pest free environment
We apply humane solutions to pest management
We aim to balance sustainable agriculture with thriving biodiversity