HOGGONE® meSN Feral Pig Bait

HOGGONE® meSN Feral Pig Bait
UPDATE HOGGONE® meSN Feral Pig Bait was registered nationally by the APVMA on 11th December 2019.
Download: HOGGONE® meSN Feral Pig Bait Product Brochure
Download: HOGGONE® meSN Feral Pig Bait Product Label
Watch video: Feral Pig baiting (Agriculture Victoria) - YouTube
Feral pigs are spread over 45% of the Australian mainland and cause significant destruction across prime agricultural land and the natural environment, including national and state parks.
After more than a decade in development, ACTA has developed an Australian innovation to tackle this destructive pest – HOGGONE®
This Australian innovation is effective, fast-acting and humane. It uses a unique form of sodium nitrite that is an approved food preservative in low doses which kills pigs quickly. Pigs are more susceptible to sodium nitrate because they have low levels of a protective enzyme that is present in other species.
HOGGONE completely breaks down even after the feral pig has died. HOGGONE, and its active constituent sodium nitrite, degrades totally in the environment, further boosting HOGGONE’s environmental credentials.
Considerations when using HOGGONE®:
It is a regulatory requirement that HOGGONE® meSN Feral Pig Bait is deployed in a Bait Box. Please find information on these on our Hog Bait Boxes page, or in our technical booklet.
Regulations require warning signs (supplied with the Hog Bait Box) to be placed at entry points to properties undertaking a baiting program
Notifying neighbors is always recommended but is not obligatory with HOGGONE®
HOGGONE® does contain peanut paste so should not be used by anyone with nut allergies
How do I purchase this product?
For all ACTA products, the most efficient way to purchase what you need is to contact your local rural merchant store and ask for our products - our main distributors are listed here.
For more information on HOGGONE®, the Bait Box, and running a successful program, please refer to our technical booklet, or contact us using our online enquiry form or by phone.