MOUSEOFF® Bromadiolone Rodent Grain Bait

MOUSEOFF® Bromadiolone Rodent Grain Bait
Download: MOUSEOFF BD Product Brochure
Download: MOUSEOFF BD Product Label 200g
MOUSEOFF® Bromadiolone (MOUSEOFF® BD) is a cost-effective, simple and highly effective control method for rats and mice.
MOUSEOFF® BD is a whole grain wheat bait, and comes in a range of pack sizes to cater for any scale of mouse or rat problem around the house or farm buildings.
The range includes 500g, 2kg and 8kg pails, and 100g & 200g packs of 10 gram chew-through sachets for those hard-to-reach places.
MOUSEOFF® BD may be applied directly from the pail to fill trays or bait stations in ceilings, cupboards or in sheds.
Bait stations should be located where mice and rats are active and spaced approximately three metres apart.
The amount of bait placed in a bait station will depend on the number of rats and/or mice present. Approximately 50 grams of bait (about half a small cup) per bait station is recommended as a start.
While a single feed of MOUSEOFF® BD is lethal to a rat or a mouse, it is important to continue supplying bait to the active stations over time, to ensure all rodents in the area have accessed the bait.
Pulse baiting with MOUSEOFF® BD
Rodents will generally consume a lethal dose of bait in a single feed, however like all anticoagulant poisons, the rodents can live for several days after this initial feed.
During this period, the rodents can consume multiple lethal doses. Not only does this mean the rodents are consuming more bait than is required, but it may increase the risks of the rodents accumulating high levels of the poison.
Should other animals consume these carcasses there is a risk of 'secondary poisoning'. To minimise the risks of secondary poisoning, and excessive use of bait, pulse baiting is recommended.
By refilling the bait stations in 'pulses' of weekly intervals, most of the rodents that took the first feed should be dead prior to the replenishment of the bait.
By continuing a baiting programme in 'pulses' the risks of having mice or rats consuming multiple lethal doses is reduced.
While most mice and rats will go away to die, proper disposal of any rodent carcasses will also minimise the risk of secondary poisoning.
What is Bromadiolone and how does it work?
Bromadiolone is a second-generation anticoagulant agent which blocks recycling of vitamin K in the liver causing the reserves of active vitamin K in the blood to be gradually depleted. Second-generation anticoagulants are long acting and so a single dose is effective.
Vitamin K contributes to the formation of blood clotting factors and in doing so, is converted from an 'active' form to an inactive form. The inactive form is returned to the liver where it is regenerated by an enzyme to be re-used.
Once this recycling enzyme is blocked by bromadiolone, the reserves of active vitamin K in the blood are gradually depleted. The rodent dies due to the failure of its blood clotting system.
It is important to use MOUSEOFF® Bromadiolone Rodent Bait carefully and in strict accordance with label instructions.
As the action of the poison is limited to inhibiting the enzyme that recycles vitamin K, accidental ingestion of bait by non-target animals can be overcome by treatment with vitamin K1, which is an effective antidote.
Do not apply MOUSEOFF® BD bait in areas accessible to native herbivores, stock or children. Ensure all livestock are restricted from the bait by placing bait in a bait station that does not allow access to the bait by stock, pets or birds.
How do I purchase this product?
For all ACTA products, the most efficient way to purchase what you need is to contact your local rural merchant store and ask for our products - our main distributors are listed here.
For products that contain 1080 or PAPP, regulations vary between States & Territories.
If you are in NSW, contact your regional Local Land Services (LLS).
If you are in South Australia, contact you regional Landscape Boards.
All other areas should be able to access products directly from your local rural merchant store.
Contact us for more information if required and we can advise you on the best way forward.