MOUSEOFF® Zinc Phosphide Bait

MOUSEOFF® Zinc Phosphide Bait
Download: MOUSEOFF Zinc Phosphide (ZP) Product Brochure
Download: MOUSEOFF Zinc Phosphide (ZP) Product Label
MOUSEOFF® ZP is manufactured from graded, cleaned, certified and sterilised wheat, coated with zinc phosphide (25g/kg) and mixed with oil attractants. Zinc phosphide is a grey/black powder and the bait is correspondingly grey.
highly effective and works quickly
requires a low rate of application
used by many of our grain trading partners
degrades in the environment leaving no harmful residues
presents low secondary risks to non-target animals
easily applied and requires no mixing
stable at room temperature for several years
works in newly sown and developed crops
a low cost broad-scale bait
Australian made
can destroy more than 30 mice for each cent spent on bait.
How does MOUSEOFF® ZP work?
MOUSEOFF® ZP acts rapidly. When a mouse eats a poisoned grain, a tiny quantity of toxic phosphine gas is released in the acidic conditions of the mouse's stomach.
Phosphine is rapidly absorbed by the stomach and quickly acts by depressing the central nervous system and by inhibiting the liver, diaphragm and brain of the mouse. Mice die quickly after ingestion of just a single grain.
What happens to the mice?
Most mice die underground. This can be confirmed by excavating holes to find carcasses or by rechecking burrow activity after baiting. Birds and other scavengers quickly take the few mice that do die on the surface so few dead mice are seen. The dead mice are not toxic to scavengers.
How is MOUSEOFF® ZP packaged?
MOUSEOFF® ZP is available in 125kg epoxy-lined steel drums with ring closure lids, 15kg plastic pails with tamper-evident lids ang 500kg bulka bags.
Are there special conditions for transport?
MOUSEOFF® ZP is NOT classified as a dangerous good (DG) for transport and can be carried on normal trucks and utilities without special signage. Transport or storage in enclosed vehicles or spaces is not recommended due to a small quantity of toxic phosphine gas trapped in the headspace of the container.
How long does stored bait remain active?
MOUSEOFF® ZP is stable for several years provided it is stored dry at less than 40°C in original packaging.
Application rates for MOUSEOFF® ZP
The prescribed application rate is 1kg/ha regardless of the stage of crop development, type of crop or number of mice. A single grain is lethal to a mouse, and application at this rate has the theoretical potential to kill over 25,000 mice/ha or about 2-3 mice per square metre.
However, some mice may have time to eat several grains before being killed by the first grain eaten. Thus, the 1kg/ha application rate provides for control of gluttons and high local densities of mice in most circumstances.
How to apply MOUSEOFF® ZP
MOUSEOFF® ZP is broadcast by ground spreaders or aircraft. Usually ground spreading is best suited to small areas and newly sown crops whereas aerial application is recommended for larger areas and developed crops. Most aerial contractors are approved and equipped for MOUSEOFF® ZP application.
Do not apply the bait in heaps or trails.
It is important to ensure that spreaders can evenly apply at the rate of 1kg/ha. Many ground spreaders are suitable.
When to use MOUSEOFF® ZP
Where mouse numbers are high, or significant mouse damage to crops is threatened, baiting provides the only effective means of mouse control.
MOUSEOFF® ZP can be used to reduce mouse numbers before or after sowing and at any stage of crop development up to 2 weeks before harvest.
Landholders should balance the cost of baiting against the expected crop loss, taking into account grain price and yield. Note that serious crop damage can occur with moderate mouse densities that are sometimes ignored.
Be aware of mice and initiate control actions early, before crop damage occurs.
Typically the benefits of application of MOUSEOFF® ZP exceeds the costs of application if crop damage exceeds 1-2%.
MOUSEOFF® ZP and rain
MOUSEOFF® ZP remains active for several days even after dew or light rain. However, bait application should be delayed if heavy or sustained rain is forecast.
Where to use MOUSEOFF® ZP
MOUSEOFF® ZP may be broadcast in crops, pasture and ploughed land.
MOUSEOFF® ZP is not approved for use in towns or residential areas or around farm buildings. Anticoagulant baits, such as MOUSEOFF® Bromadiolone Rodent Bait, can be used in bait stations around and within farm buildings to control mice.
Most anticoagulant baits are not suitable for use in crops due to possible residues and non-target wildlife impacts. Check with your local agronomist.
Baiting 'hot spots'
Baiting hot spots with MOUSEOFF® ZP is acceptable if they are well defined and localised. However small baited areas are more likely to be re-infested quickly from surrounding areas. As with most pest animal management, it is preferable to achieve large areas of control for best protection from re-invasion.
Protecting the environment
Zinc phosphide is especially suited to broad-scale management of rodent infestations. Many product features combine with strict baiting criteria to minimise risks to non-target animals.
Extensive surveys have confirmed very low risk of non-target impact if MOUSEOFF® ZP is applied as described on the product label label.
Application of bait is not permitted in areas that have not been planted, cultivated or do not possess ground cover or that are within 50m of wildlife habitat refuges. The withholding period before harvest or grazing stubble treated with MOUSEOFF® ZP is 14 days.
MOUSEOFF® ZP is a Schedule 7 poison product. It is available in all States from approved rural merchant stores, some government agencies and some contractors. When there is no demand for the bait the stores generally do not hold stock, so allow a few days for delivery and give early warnings of requirements.
How do I purchase this product?
For all ACTA products, the most efficient way to purchase what you need is to contact your local rural merchant store and ask for our products - our main distributors are listed here.
For products that contain 1080 or PAPP, regulations vary between States & Territories.
If you are in NSW, contact your regional Local Land Services (LLS).
If you are in South Australia, contact you regional Landscape Boards.
All other areas should be able to access products directly from your local rural merchant store.
Contact us for more information if required and we can advise you on the best way forward.