DOGGONE® 1080 Wild Dog Bait

DOGGONE® 1080 Wild Dog Bait
Download: DOGGONE® Product Brochure
Download: DOGGONE® Product Label
DOGGONE® Wild Dog Bait is a manufactured meat meal-based bait, pre-poisoned with precisely 6 milligrams (6/1000th of a gram) of sodium fluoroacetate ('1080'). Red dye identifies the poison in the centre of the bait.
After the dog eats the bait, the 1080 poison is absorbed, and it blocks enzymes for energy production in the animal's cells. The dog behaves normally for several hours after eating the poisoned bait. After that delay, death occurs quickly from loss of energy to the brain, heart and diaphragm.
Product benefits
DOGGONE® is the most convenient and easy to use wild dog bait available
Baits degrade in the environment leaving no residues
Reliable and proven highly effective
Convenient for operators to handle
Supplied with comprehensive directions
Stable without the need for refrigeration
A leading method for wild dog control
DOGGONE® pack sizes
DOGGONE® Wild Dog Bait is supplied in various pack sizes including a 72 bait farm pack (6 trays of 12 baits), and bulk pails of 100 and 250 baits.
The farm packs containing individual trays are designed to give farmers the tools they need to control wild dogs on a smaller scale.
Bait density
DOGGONE® Wild Dog Bait will need to be used at a rate of approximately 1 bait per 10 hectares. This allows for a dog density of up to four dogs per square kilometre.
DOGGONE® bulk packs are sturdy plastic tubs containing 250 baits, a pair of gloves, and detailed instructions including information summarising use restrictions for each State.
How do I purchase this product?
For all ACTA products, the most efficient way to purchase what you need is to contact your local rural merchant store and ask for our products - our main distributors are listed here.
For products that contain 1080 or PAPP, regulations vary between States & Territories.
If you are in NSW, contact your regional Local Land Services (LLS).
If you are in South Australia, contact you regional Landscape Boards.
All other areas should be able to access products directly from your local rural merchant store.
Contact us for more information if required and we can advise you on the best way forward.